Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Visit to a LCS in Tokyo !!

Thanks to some good tips from Ryan and Zippy Zappy I was on a mission to visit at least one LCS in Tokyo during my visit last week. I found one on the web at only 10 minutes from my hotel in Shinjuku called Mint Shinjuku !

The shop had a wide variety of cards including a lot of soccer cards, NFL, local Japanese Baseball cards as well as MLB cards. With little expectation I started looking around for some new Glavine cards. Well, who would have thought I would actually find a low-numbered Glavine, a 2007 Finest card numbered to only 25 !! I also found a cool 2002 Fleer Showcase card !

Although they did not have that much for my collection I did find two more baseball cards. First up, a Greg Halman auto. As some of you might remember, Greg played for the Mariners until he was murdered during a trip to his family in the Netherlands, ending not only his MLB career but more importantly his life at a way too young age....

I also found myself a cool Rizzo card from this year's Topps TeK !

Besides some baseball cards they also had some lose packs of Star Wars for sale. Although I normally not collect any of these I though it would be fun to open some packs. Here's what I got !

First up, Han Solo !!! and Luke Skywalker !!!

More cool cars with Luke and his Father !!

Lastly, a silky Star Wars card !!

These Star Wars cards bring back memories so pretty cool to open a few packs of these. All in all a fun visit to one of Tokyo's many card shops !!

Thanks for visiting my blog today !


  1. Mint Shinjuku, nice. Their singles selection is limited but once upon a time they had one of the biggest and best Sega Card Gen displays ever.

    1. That was a bit disappointing, couldnt find any Sega cards :-((

    2. I'll be checking Nakano this weekend, but it seems that Sega has disappeared from everywhere at this point. I picked up some rares from 2010 in a 100-yen box a couple weeks ago. I couldn't pass that opportunity up!

  2. I don't really get to Mint Shinjuku but when I go I can usually find some good stuff, often at relatively decent prices. I'm glad you found some good stuff!

  3. Very cool. Visiting an LCS in Japan is definitely on my bucket list.

  4. Great you found some stuff. I've been tempted into buying Cheese Strings here in England because there are 2 Star Wars cards in each pack. They're for my daughter of course! ;-)

  5. cool, hope you find some more, a shame if that would have disappeared completely. happy shopping !!
