Monday, May 28, 2012

Trade of a Lifetime with Charlie !

Recently, Charlie at Lifetime Topps project showed of a bunch of 2012 Gypsy Queen SPs which I still needed so I contacted him and a cool trade was quickly born !! Charlie send me a total of 8 GQ SPs (!) which reduced my GQ 12 SP needs to 20, so I really appreciate the trade a lot. In case you have any GQ SPs lying around please check my Want List and let's set up a trade.

Here are a few that Charlie send me: Ichiro and Halladay !

Here are the Longoria and Weaver SPs !

I won't bore you with the rest of the SPs. Charlie also send me minis !! I love minis !!

As I missed GQ last year Charlie was also nice enough to send me a few 2011 GQ base cards ! Here's Wilson & Koufax !

Heritage was also included with some of the cards I was stil missing, including 2 of my favourite pitchers: Rivera and Lincecum !

Lastly, Charlie also put in some extras including these !

All in all a great trade which reduced my Want List further ! Thanks very much Charlie for the trade !! Looking forward to the next one !!