Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Heritage for Trade !

When Heritage came out a while back I participated in one or two box breaks. Besides some nice Yankee cards for my collection and a few Verlanders I decided to not complete this set and focus on Gypsy Queen (please check out my Want List) and Allen & Ginter (this summer). Therefore, I now have a small pile of 2012 Heritage up for trade. Please see some of the cards below and let me know (or link to your want list) if you need anything !

So, if yo see anything you like or you want to check if I have any you need on my little pile let me know ! I also have some 2011 Heritage lying around if you are still looking to complete that one as well !


  1. Hello there...

    ...I could use the Valverde, Fielder and Pope John Paul card. I'll be home tonight and will see what I can do for ya...


    1. sure no rush, also noticed I have Lineage '11 #52 for you and from A&G 2011 I have base 299, 223 and WMF8+1 so let me know if you want these as well

  2. The thing that drives me crazy about that Heritage set is I can't keep the color changes and image changes straight. It's maddening.

  3. I have the entire base set for this but I can't say I like it that much. '63 Topps didn't do much for me.

  4. Grumpy Leyland... but a very good MGR
